International Overdose Awareness Day

Today, August 31st, is International Overdose Awareness Day, a global event which aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of drug-related death. Thousands of people die each year from drug overdoses. If you or someone you know is in need of resources Prevent Overdose RI has a great website with links to detoxification…

Immunization Awareness Month- Vaccines are not just for kids!

The need for vaccination does not end in childhood. Vaccines are recommended throughout our lives. Recommended vaccines protect adults against flu, whooping cough, tetanus, shingles, and pneumococcal disease. Recommendations are based on age, lifestyle, occupation, travel and medical conditions. Ask your healthcare provider which vaccines you may need, especially if you have asthma, COPD, diabetes, or heart disease.…

National Immunization Awareness Month- Protect Yourself and Pass that Protection on to Your Baby

During pregnancy, you often think about baby names, nursery colors and prenatal vitamins, but you should also think about vaccines. Vaccines during pregnancy help protect you and your babyI Before becoming pregnant you should be up to date on all routine immunizations. Two vaccines are routinely recommended for pregnant women: Flu Vaccine- Pregnant women can get the flu vaccine…